
Unlimited Plus

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)


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Ultimate Mobile Plan

Use Coupon Code FASTNET10 to get 10%

20GB High Speed Data Plan at 4G LTE/5G speed.
Unlimited Talk and Text Nationwide including Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.
Unlimited Talk and Text to Canada and Mexico.
Free Text to 190 Countries.
No Roaming Charges in Canada and Mexico.
WiFi calling
After 20GB High Speed Premium Data, Unlimited at 2G Speed.
No price increase, Guaranteed.
No Contract, cancel anytime.


God Bless America

Unlimited Cellular Data Plan in 5G Network

Unlimited Mobile Data Plan : What does it mean and what is it used for?

Unlimited mobile data plan is exactly what the name suggests. It is a cellular data plan that offers you no cap on data usage which means you don’t have to worry about going over your limit. It means spending more each month and gives you the freedom to use  as much data as you like.

One of the biggest decisions most people make when selecting a cell phone plan is how much data they want in the plan. People who use their phone primarily for talking and texting will generally opt for a cheaper plan.  A cheaper plan has a minimal amount of data e.g. 1GB Data or 3GB Data per month.
Those who use their phones for web browsing, social media, gaming and video streaming might opt for a more expensive unlimited cellular data plan. That way, they never have to worry about going over their data limit and paying extra for that data. If you fall more into the latter category, you might go for Fastnet unlimited mobile data plan.


Fastnet UNLIMITED PLUS Data Plan

Good for high usage personal and business need.
WiFi Calling feature which enable calling and texting using home or office wifi.
The Largest Cellular Coverage Nationwide; in cities, between cities, highways, remote areas.
Plan includes 20GB High Speed Premium Data. After that data speed slows down to 2G speed.
No Service Contract, Cancel Anytime.

Get UNLIMITED PLUS Mobile Data Plan for $59/mon. 


Mobile Plan on sale, phone picture is for demonstration purpose only.

Unlimited Plus


1 month, 3 months

1 review for Unlimited Plus

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Ashraful Monir

    The service is fast and reliable everywhere, even in places where my old provider didn’t work before. It is also cheaper than most other unlimited plans so thats an added bonus. Overall great plan.

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